First Year Drawing by D. R. Augsburg First Year Drawing by D. R. Augsburg    

Lesson 36: Cozy Lake Cabin (Color Drawing)

lesson image

Draw a margin around each work this week as described in Lesson 33. Recreate the lesson image using the colors as described below. With a free, even stroke, wash in the sky, making it even and as smooth as possible. With a heavier stroke, wash in the water, and then with a still heavier stroke, wash in the land, cabin, smoke, and tree trunk.

  1. Recreate the drawing entirely with black.
  2. Color the sky and water blue. Use brown to color the ground, the tree, and the cabin.
  3. Recreate the drawing entirely with blue. Go over the details of the tree and cabin with orange and blue.
  4. Recreate the drawing entirely with violet. Go over the tree and cabin in yellow.
  5. Color the sky orange, and brighten it with yellow. Color the water violet. Color the tree, cabin, and land yellow, and darken with violet.