Activity 1: Recite the Book Information
- Recite the name of the author, the title of the book, and the title of the chapter.
Activity 2: Narrate the Story
- Narrate the events aloud in your own words.
Activity 3: Study the Story Picture(s)
- Study the story picture(s) and verbally describe the relation to the story.
Activity 4: Map the Story
- In Charles Stephen Brooks' English Spring (1930), he writes clues from the text suggest the Admiral Benbow is in Lynmouth, England.
- Find the city of Swansea on the coast of Wales and trace a line south and a tiny bit east across the water (Bristol Channel), to find the general coastal location of Lynmouth.
- See an image of Lynmouth in 1905. Note the small city nestled between the cliffs and the coves.
Activity 5: Act Out a Passage
Practice acting out the following passage in your best pirate drawl, with drama and feeling.
- Come, Bill, you know me; you know an old shipmate, Bill, surely. (Black Dog)
- Black Dog! (Billy Bones, Gasping with Shock)
- Black Dog as ever was, come for to see his old shipmate Billy. (Black Dog)
Activity 6: Complete Written Narration
- Click the crayon above, and complete page 7 of 'Fourth Grade Prose: Written Narration, Dictation, and Review Questions.'
Activity 7: Complete Copywork and Dictation
- Click the crayon above, and complete pages 7-8 of 'Fourth Grade Prose: Written Narration, Dictation, and Review Questions.'
Activity 8: Color the Image
- Click the crayon above, and complete page 8 of 'Fourth Grade Prose: Written Narration, Dictation, and Review Questions.'
Activity 9: Answer Written Review Questions
- Click the crayon above, and complete page 9 of 'Fourth Grade Prose: Written Narration, Dictation, and Review Questions.'