Teach children the definition and relationship between hours, minutes, and seconds.


Teach children the definition and relationship between hours, minutes, and seconds.

Complete the steps below until children perfectly master the tasks.



Teach children that time can be defined using units of hours, minutes, and seconds.

  • Tell children seconds are the shortest unit of the three. Count a few seconds off with the children - say 'One thousand one, one thousand two, ..., one thousand five.'
  • Tell children sixty seconds make up a minute. Count a whole minute off with the children - say 'One thousand one, one thousand two, ..., one thousand sixty' etc.
  • Tell children sixty minutes, or 3600 seconds make up an hour. Count a few seconds off with the children - say 'One thousand one, one thousand two, ..., one thousand five.' Tell children you'd need to keep count to 100 36 times before an hour would pass.
  • Tell children 24 hours make up a day. Count a few seconds off with the children - say 'One thousand one, one thousand two, ..., one thousand five.' Tell children you'd need to keep counting all day and all night before 24 hours would pass.


  • Show children the image below to give them an idea of the relative magnitudes of seconds, minutes, and hours.


  • Have children recite and copy the table below until they memorize these facts and be able to recall them instantly.