Activity - Week 1: Find the verbs
Find the verbs in the following verse for the Judge of Grammar-land.
- 'Sit to your task,' a father said,
- 'Nor play nor trifle, laugh nor talk,
- And when your lesson well is read,
- You all shall have a pleasant walk.'
- He left the room, the boys sat still,
- Each gravely bent upon his task,
- But soon the youngest, little Will,
- Of fun and nonsense chose to ask.
- 'My ball is lost,' the prattler cried,
- 'Have either of you seen my ball?'
- 'Pray mind your book,' young Charles replied.
- 'Your noisy words disturb us all.'
Activity - Week 2 Part 1: Play the 'Guess That Verb' Game
Play the game with your instructor and classmates.
- The person who is 'it' acts out a secret verb, without speaking or making any noise.
- The person who correctly guesses the secret verb will be 'it' next.
- Continue playing until all have had a turn to be 'it.'
Activity - Week 2 Part 2: Find the verbs
Find the verbs in the following sentences:
- Vesuvius erupted in 1906.
- The explosion blew away part of the mountain.
- It threw red-hot rocks into the air.
- The earth rocked and trembled.
- Lightning flashed and flames roared.
- A great crack opened down the side of Vesuvius.
- Lava flowed down the mountain slopes.
- It buried houses and vineyards.
- People hastened to places of safety.
- They piled their belongings on the backs of dogs and donkeys.
- The animals staggered under their loads.
- Some people wept and wrung their hands.
- Others knelt and prayed.
- Trains carried some of them to Naples.
- Others embarked in the Capri boat.
- The dust blinded the sailors.
- The gases smothered them.
- They fell, half sick, on the decks.
- Ashes and dust covered everything.
- The roof of a building in Naples fell in and killed many people.
- At last the eruption ceased.
- The mountain grew quieter.
- The smoke lessened in volume.
- The king came from Rome and helped the people.