Name some trees upon which grow things to eat. What do we call such trees?
What fruit trees have you seen? We call the place where many fruit trees grow, orchards.
Did you ever pick berries? What makes it hard to pick blackberries?
Name fruits that grow about here. Which grow on trees? Which on bushes? Which on vines?
Mention the different uses of these fruits.
The orange is one of the most delicious and wholesome of fruits. It grows only in the warmer parts of our country. In winter as well as in summer, the orange trees are loaded with golden fruit and fragrant blossom. The blossoms are white, and are very beautiful.
Name other fruits that grow in warm parts of the country.
People who live in cold countries need such food as will make them warm. What kinds of food are best in cold countries? What people live mainly on fish and the flesh of animals? Do any fruit trees grow in very cold countries?
What kinds of food are best in hot countries? Do we find in such countries grain, vegetables and cooling fruits for the people to live upon?
Notebook Work: Write answers to the questions.
1. What do we call trees upon which grow things to eat?
2. What fruit trees have you seen? What do we call the place where many fruit trees grow?
3. List the fruits that grow where you live and where they grow (e.g. on trees, on buses, on vines).